Meg Andrews

Meg has worked in Castleford since January 1985 and retired recently as a partner in a well-established local firm of solicitors.

She served on the Board of the Prince of Wales Hospice for 10 years from June 1989 and joined the governing body of New College Pontefract as a business governor on incorporation, staying in post for just over 10 years, initially as vice chair and latterly as chair of governors. Following her election to the Council of the Law Society in 1998, she served on a number of working parties (including the Regulation Review Working Party which was responsible for rewriting the solicitors’ rules of professional conduct) and committees, two of which, the Wills and Equity Committee and the Scrutiny Committee, she chaired.

In 2010, she joined Castleford Heritage Trust as a trustee and has been involved in the Queen’s Mill Project from the start. Prior to retiring, Meg and her husband bought a tandem and now regularly

lead cycle rides organised by Wakefield District Cycle Forum setting off from Queen’s Mill, generally in the direction of Fairburn Ings.

Photograph of Meg Andrews