We wish to thank:
Our local community for all your support over the years.
- Your enthusiasm for our work, your feedback and ideas, and your enjoyment of our programmes and projects continue to inspire us.
- You are the reason this organisation exists.
Our many volunteers, past and present.
- Your dedication, effort, skills and time have been, and continue to be, essential to the work of the Trust.
- Your contributions, big and small, help the organisation to run effectively and are the reason we have achieved so much, in the time we have had.
- You are the reason this organisation has come so far and continues to thrive.
Our members, past and present.
- Your belief in us, and commitment to progressing our cause, gives us strength and drives us forwards.
- You are the reason this organisation continues to advance.
Our sponsors and funders, both local and national.
- We value the belief you have shown in our organisation and the trust you have placed in us to make a difference in our town and in our community.
- You are the reason this organisation continues to grow in reach, impact and sustainability.